Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

types of electronic goods that turned out to have negative impacts

The following electronic goods are dangerous by Devra Davis:

1. Mobile
Hanphone an electronic item that is very helpful at all for our lives, especially in terms of telkomunikasi. With the mobile phone, we do not need hard paya to contact someone who is different from place or wilaya. However, in Bali all that, there is a very bad side effect at all for our health, namely the use of mobile phones can damage developing brain cells in children and cause brain tumors in adults. In addition, the use of Hanphone also can threaten the human population, why? because according to Devra Davis, in his book states that the use of mobile phones at least four hours a day can reduce sperm count.
Then how tips to prevent it, the following tips:
Use hands-free or speakerphone when on a call.
2. IPods
Electronic goods on this one, probably the most electronic goods by young people enjoy doing or music lovers. However, be careful, for we often listen to music with ipods for one half hour can megakibatkan disruption of hearing, even the worst is that it can cause deafness.
Tips to prevent the negative impacts are as follows:
Use foam earphones in order to reduce or muffle the sound came out.
3. Laptops
Laptop is one of the items elektroni very useful for our lives, especially those of us who work in offices for example. However, behind the benefits, there is a shortage of highly dangerous to the health of our bodies. On the laptop, usually the battery that exploded could happen or maybe a smoky mainboard that endanger us. In addition, the problem laptop to our health as a human being is able to cause sore eyes and headaches karean exposed to radiation screen. Dipaha Never put your laptop, because it can cause our thighs burn like pot roast. This is because the heat that comes out of the laptop. And for the worst affected area was affected by skin cancer.
Prevention tips: Turn away from the laptop screen every 20 minutes for 2-3 minutes. Perbesarlah fonts if necessary to avoid burning thighs, and legs to put a pillow buy a laptop.
4. Computer
Not far to the laptop, the computer also besides having tremendous benefit to humans, also has shortcomings that can interfere with human health. According to Devra Davis, a disease that could arise from the use of this computer is obesity and heart problems due to lack of movement. Muscle spasm is also one thing that often happens because over time using a mouse or a wrong position when typing.
Prevention tips: Stretch to relax the muscles in your back and neck that Tegan and buy gelpad on the keyboard.
5. Video Games
This is the fifth elektroni goods that are dangerous to human health. Video games are electronic goods that are now popular worldwide. Because it can be useful as a medium of entertainment. However, we also need to be careful, because if we hold the stick game for too long can cause the hands become red. In his book, Devra Davis called it "The palm of the Playstation". The cause of this happening is because the moisture of human palms sweating. As for the Nintendo Wii game, the most common complaint is the shoulder bone loss because it was too excited in hitting.
Prevention tips:
For those who often play playstation, players should spread his hands with powder before playing. As for fans of the Nintendo Wii, before starting the game, should do stretching first.

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